Structured Multi-Gaming Community
Rolling Thunder Clan is a multi-gaming community that wants to bring positive players together to build new relationships and game with one another! We mostly play FPS shooters, but we don't discourage other game genres! We have a set amount of main games that the RT community typically plays, but this list can expand if we gather more players for a certain game.
Community Rules
Our community rules create the structure of our community to enforce positive and mature behavior at all times. We do not tolerate any sense of immaturity, disrespect, malicious hate, or cheating in-game of any sort.
Community Ranking System
Our ranking system is based off time dedicated playing within our community by voice communication. We use the time you've spent within our Discord voice channels and have it added to your total voice communication time to give you an appropriate rank.
Forum Award System
Obtain awards by attending community events, tournaments, recruiting new members, total forum posts, and more!
RT Website Account
Create a website account to gain access to our forums, platoon gaming groups, and more!
Become a Rolling Thunder Member